This may sound obvious, but reading what you actually want to read is crucial during these strange times we’re living in. Thinking you have to read something, whether that’s because of external buzz or because of goals you’ve set yourself, is a sure-fire way to feel like a failure if you don’t get beyond the first few pages.
So, if you pick up a book and don’t like it, put it down and try something else. If you’re finding the book you’re reading is making you anxious because of what’s happening in the wider world, leave it for the moment and find something different. And if nothing new is keeping your attention, revert to a tried and tested favourite book or author - there’s no shame, and in fact much to be gained, from rereading something you love and knows offers you comfort and joy. Stop putting pressure on yourself to read a certain book, and I guarantee you’ll find something that keeps your attention.
By Sarah Shaffi