Star Players

Star Players

Category: Primary
Authors: Robin Newton; Nicole Taylor; Melanie Williams; Susan House; Katharine Scott; Martin Hobbs; Julia Starr Keddle; Aida Berba; Claudia Bonilla
Number of levels: 6
Levels: Beginner to Elementary

Star Players is an engaging six-level series for primary school children learning English. Children are exposed to natural language which provides them with opportunities to develop accuracy and fluency as well as encouraging creativity. Using a variety of up-to-date methodologies, Star Players guarantees students have fun learning whilst developing their own unique learning styles.

Key Features
Contextualises language in a meaningful way through a topic-based approach
Contains a well structured grammar syllabus with continuous recycling
Develops values and multiple intelligences
Features dynamic communicative activities such as authentic stories, catchy songs, games and role-play