Cool Kids

Cool Kids

Category: Primary
Authors: Claudia Bonilla; Karen Castro-Gustavsson; Martha Fernández; Ana Foncerrada; Jeanette Greenwell; Suzanne Guerrero; Erika Lizárraga; Michael Rowe; Andrew Starling; Julián Trejo; Joep van der Werff; Gabriela Zapiain; Zilvia Zapiain
Number of levels: 6
Levels: Beginner to Pre-Intermediate (A1-B1)

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Cool Kids is a series in American English for primary school learners. It caters for different learning styles and encourages student participation, giving students opportunities to use the English language in a meaningful way. It also fosters learner autonomy and enhances creativity and problem-solving skills.

Key Features
Cool Pictionary presents vocabulary of the unit in context and offers practice activities
Cool Expressions provide useful expressions from everyday English
Cool Grammar boxes show examples of the new grammar structures
Skills development activities offer tasks for improving the four skills
Cool Review pages revise material through game and self-evaluation tasks
Cool Crafts reinforce learning and enhance creativity