Prüfungstraining: Zertifikat Deutsch B1

Prüfungstraining: Zertifikat Deutsch B1

  • €23.50
  • Ex Tax: €23.50

The Prüfungstraining Zertifikat Deutsch offers thorough preparation for the Zertifikat Deutsch exam and enables the objective assessment of current knowledge at level B1 of the Common European Framework. Its use is recommended for exam preparation both in German courses and by the student at home. The Zertifikat Deutsch exam can be taken at the Goethe-Institut or at centers suitable for carrying out this exam (telc-GmbH). The Prüfungstraining contains a detailed description of the parts of the exam and the form of evaluation. The differences between these two exam formats (Goethe-Institut and telc-GmbH) are reflected in the book. The first chapter prepares little by little for the test with warnings, advice and strategies for taking it. The second and third chapters offer a training program with material to delve deeper into the vocabulary and grammar chapters relevant to the exam. With four model exams you can rehearse the exam realistically. The complementary audio-CDs contain all the texts corresponding to the exams. Once the exam is passed, basic knowledge of German corresponding to level B1 of the common European framework is certified.